SPSS Training Workshop for beginners

8th Floor ZB Chambers 15 George Silundika Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

SPSS training workshop for beginners After this course one should be able to work with SPSS and perform all the common tasks comfortably. Course fee includes : Stationery,  WIFI connection,  Teas,  Lunch, Course manual, Complementary book


SPSS Training Workshop for Intermediate level

8th Floor ZB Chambers 15 George Silundika Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

SPSS training workshop for intermediate level.  Build up from the intermediate level and learn to use SPSS for more complex analysis. Course fee includes : Stationery,  WIFI connection,  Teas,  Lunch, Course manual, Complementary book


Power BI weekend workshop

8th Floor ZB Chambers 15 George Silundika Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

Power BI weekend workshop for beginners 8 hour intensive beginners' workshop. Course manual provided. Topics 1.Getting started Getting and transforming data with Power Query Introduction to Power BI desktop Visualizing data Customising and Formatting visualisations
